Terms of service
The following terms and conditions apply to our services. Please read them carefully.
In this agreement:
the Services are any services provided to you by us;
you are you; and
We or us is MeYou Enterprises, their agents, employees, directors and subcontractors.
(a) Definition
The definition of plagiarism or academic dishonesty varies between universities, but essentially revolves around the idea that students must not represent to their university that the original work of other people is their own original work. In our experience, inappropriate requests are usually limited to the area of assistance with assignment and essay writing and proofreading.
(b) Duties of Students
(i) Students must personally familiarise themselves with their university’s plagiarism or academic dishonesty policy, and strictly adhere to it. Substantial penalties apply to students that plagiarise, which may include refusal of admission to the legal practice.
(ii) Students are responsible for ensuring that any services obtained from us will not put them at risk of contravening their university’s policy. Where the original content of tutors is provided to students, including within suggestions or comments on drafts of assignments, students agree that this is by way of example only, and will not be submitted directly to the university.
(c) What we can and cannot do
The following are examples of work we cannot perform in relation to written assessment:
- Requests to complete entire assignments;
- Any request for us to write an assignment is not appropriate. Students must build the capacity to write law assignments, and carefully manage their study load.
We can help in the pre-draft stage by:
- Providing oral and written explanations of the topics that you do not yet understand.
- Providing advice on how to set out an assignment.
- Advising on further research that could be undertaken.
- In some circumstances, providing examples of essays or parts of essays.
- Providing minimal drafts for proofreading
- We can review your assignment at any stage. However, we will not generate original content for you.
If you provide a draft that is substantially under the word limit, we can help by:
- Suggesting further points that may be covered, or points that could be elaborated on.
- Suggesting cases and statutes that could be considered.
We will engage independent tutors from time to time to perform the Services. We agree that:
(a) We will advise you of the name, educational experience and legal professional status of each person who provides services for you;
(b) We will verify, where possible, that tutor’s experience and status (for example, we will seek to obtain an academic transcript and documents proving admission to practice).
(a) We charge an hourly rate as outlined on our website.
(b) We may ask for payment for services in advance.
(c) We will issue requests for payment for our services at our discretion.
(d) Once a tutorial is booked, any cancellation must be made at least 24 hours beforehand by email to australianlawtutoring@gmail.com. If a tutorial is not cancelled in this fashion, we may charge for the relevant service at our discretion, or retain amounts paid for the relevant service.
(e) We only agree to undertake the services once we have received advance payment within a time specified by us. Prior to receipt of payment being confirmed, tutor availability will not be confirmed and we will not reserve a tutor for you.
If the services are not provided as arranged or are defective in any way, you agree to notify us within 24 hours of the provision of the services (in the case of defective services) or within one hour (in the case of non-provision, for example where the tutor has not arrived at a pre-arranged tutorial).
We reserve the right to withdraw our services at any time.
We operate on the principle that just as with legal practice, legal scholarship is about individuals taking personal responsibility for their work and their conduct.
It is agreed that:
(a) You will not to hold us liable for loss or damage caused by any act, omission or neglect in provision of the Services.
(b) You will appropriately verify the accuracy and applicability of any cases, statutes or legal principles that we communicate to you.
In addition, where you are meeting a tutor contracted to provide services by us, you are responsible for ensuring your own safety and you agree not to hold us liable for any damage or loss you suffer during the provision of the services.
You agree that no part of the Services will include legal services. The services will be limited to academic consultancy. Any hypotheticals used by tutors are fictitious, used for examples only and do not relate to actual scenarios. You agree not to apply any information imparted to you other than in the course of your studies.